Sunday, April 28, 2013

Swimmers Nutritional Program

 Swimmers need a lot of carbohydrates because that is the source of suger and provides a lot of energy. They are capable of eating a lot of carbohydrates, that is why they eat a lot of carbohydrates after a workout. It is suggested that swimmers consume carbohydrates during and after exercising. The reason why they need a lot of carbohydrates is because carbohydrates give a lot of sugar and glucogen. Glucogen which occurs in the cytoplasm which produces lactate + ATP for muscles contraction.  A few hours after working out a well balanced diet of 30g protein, 40g carbs and 30g of fat. For swimmers that is a balanced diet and they need to make sure to get sufficiant amount of good fats. For the rest of the day, they would just eat protein, fruits and vegetables and good fats.

For breakfast eat foods with proteins, veggies and fruits.

Lunch & Dinner
They can eat the same thing for lunch and dinner. The difference is that for lunch they eat twice as much. They need a lot of protein! A simple meat sandwich won’t do good for them. They need to eat a lot to gain lots of energy for swimming.

A well-rounded diet should include: 
-Whole grain: bread, pasta, wild rice, oats, quinoa, etc. 
-High fiber legumes (beans and lentils) 
-Lean protein: chicken, fish, grass-fed beef, turkey, tofu 
-Tons of veggies 
-Good fats: avocado, olive oil, coconut oil 
-Healthy dessert: fruit, smoothie

Swimmers would mostly eat snacks for recovery after a workout, that is why the snacks they eat are high in sugar and most are processed carbohydrates. An example of a snack is a shake that consist of fruits, veggies, protein powder and healthy fats. Another example is Greek yogurt or cottage cheeze with frozen fruit, mixed nuts, and protein powder.

  • These foods supply lots of energy which makes a swimmers able to train and stay in the pool for a long periode of time.
  • It is healthy for the body and the foods are not very fattening because they eat god fats and not the bad fats like the ones in junk foods.
  • They can not eat any foods that contain a lot of bad fats such as junk foods which means they have a limited choices of foods.
  • They have to be cautious of what they consume because they have to eat healthy foods, mostly they would have to cook their own food so that they know what they are consuming.
"Science of Performance: Swimming Nutritional Program." Swimming World Magazine RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. <>.

    By: Annisha

Uses of Drugs and Hormones for Basketball Athletes



Drugs are known to build mass and strength for the muscles and bones. It would also increase the delivery of oxygen to exercising tissues, stimulating the body, reduce weight and hide other uses of another drug.


Drugs can boost efforts and give shortcuts to athletes, even if the drugs could risk the athletes health and career.


The East German Government began to give drugs or also called as anabolic androgenic steroids to german athletes in attempt to make the athletes look stronger and more international.


Drugs provide these for drug users:
- pressure to succeed
- belief that their competitors are also taking drugs
- pressure from government and national authorities
- financial rewards for excellent performances
- expectations of success

1. Drugs help you gain strength and power in a very short period of time
2. Drugs could help you be more successful in your athletic career


By: Micheline

Science in Sports Swimming

There are three programs that a swimmer has to do in order to stay fit and healthy:

by: Annisha


It is important for athletes to stay fit in order to be able to compete in competitions or play in games

by: Annisha

Special Nutrition Programs For Basketball Athletes!


The General Balance Diet!

- Carbohydrates :
50-60% total calories
10-20% of fruits, vegetables and "treats"
40-50% of complex carbohydrates such as pasta, bread

15-20% of fish, poultry, meats, eggs, dairy, seeds and vegetable nuts

25-30% of saturated meats, eggs, dairy products, vegetable oils and avocado

1. This type of diet stabilize the amount of energy you produce from the food you consume
2. By doing this diet, you can be healthy and fit as well as getting slimmer.

1. Eating this amount of food can be really disturbing when you actually just want to get a cup of coffee but you have to consume a whole meal.
2. If you force yourself too much, it would be unhealthy for the body

By: Micheline

Workout Plans for Olympic Swimmers

Weight Training
Olympic swimmers have powerful shoulders.Building up the shoulders is important for swimmers because it will help them to have the strength to push through the water and to increase speed. To build up their shoulders most use dumbbells Some exercises that they do dumbbell press, the dumbbell front raise, and the dumbbell lateral raise. These three exercises work the entire shoulder joint. Many swimmers lift weights to increase strength throughout the whole body. When they exercise, they need a lot of oxygen for cell respiration. Cellular respiration is important because it uses the red blood cells to transport the oxygen all over the body to all the voluntary and involuntary muscles such as the heart, lungs and skeletal muscles so that it can be used for  aerobic and anaerobic respiration. The blood is first de-oxygenated before it passes the alveoli of the lungs. Once it goes to the alveoli it then becomes oxygenated blood and has to transfer it to all of the body. The blood travels in the capillaries, which makes up our veins. When they exercise, their heart beats faster and they need a lot of oxygen so they inspire and expire a lot faster. When they exercise they mostly breath through their stomaches so they use their diaphragm muscles.


  • Weight training increases your physical work capacity, with the proper weight training activities it can make you work harder and longer and it improves the ability to perform activities for a daily living.

  • It improves bone density. One of the ways to control bone loss when you age.


  • It can injure you almost more than any other exercise and people mist often do it incorrectly and cause injury to themselves. 

  • It is hard on joints over time, and can be expensive depending on the equipment and your acess to it.

"Workout Plans for US Olympic Swimmers." LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. <>.

By: Annisha

Special Nutrition Programs For Basketball Athletes!


The Pre-Game Meal:

A pre-game meal is three to four hours of food before the event or the competition. Mostly recommends small meals that is only 500-1000 calories. The meal should be high in starch, which is easier to break down then protein and fats. The starch should be in forms of complex carbohydrates:


 Pasta                                                  Fruits                                       Vegetables

The Post-Game Meal

After 30 minutes of exercise or in the competition, a small meal that contains carbohydrate, protein or fat is beneficial. 

1. These meals would help regain your energy before and after the exercise/ competition
2. These types of meals already measures how many calories you should intake before the competition or exercise

1. Some of the food like carbohydrates, are hard to eat/ chew on for a short period of time.
2. If you eat the Post-Game meal that contains the full-set meal, it would be hard to break down in the digestive process.

By: Micheline

Special Training Programs For Basketball Athletes!


Defensive Training

How does it work?

1. Lay down on a mat or the floor with your lower arm touching the floor.
2. Draw in the abs.
3. Make sure that your ankles and shoulders are aligned.
4. Hold this position for at least a max of 60 seconds.
5. Look at the picture shown below.

This exercise controls your muscular system by being able to hold it still for quite a long time, it also helps you control your breathing, so it also affects the respiratory systems.
1. This exercise would increase your flexibility.
2. This exercise would strengthen the chest' muscles (diaphragm muscle). In basketball, shooting with the chest or also known as "chest pass" is important and if you have a weak chest, it would really hurt your ribs. This would also help you when you receive a ball and it hits your chest.

1. Though is help strengthen your chest' muscles, it does not really affect your other parts of the body.
2. Balancing on the mat or floor would be difficult, some can't proceed with this type of exercise.

By: Micheline

Special Training Programs For Basketball Athletes!


Physical Training

1. Do 2 sets of push ups (25 times each set) everyday.
2. In between every set, rest for 30 seconds.


Doing this exercise, it will improve your strength in your arm and would be able to throw harder.

3. Get your jump rope and do 2 sets (250 skips each set)
4. In between every set, rest for 40 seconds.
5. On the first week, do 2 sets of each exercise, 2nd week do 3 sets.

Jumping rope exercises helps you maintain and control your stamina as you're playing, it is guaranteed to control your footwork to be faster than before.

Both of these exercises improves your muscular systems and your circulatory systems at first because the more you exercise, the more energy you need and therefore, the more blood your heart will pump. It also affects the respiratory system because in this training, you should be able to maintain your breathing.

1.  You can strengthen the muscles on your arms and legs. For basketball players, this particular training is important because it keeps the whole body fit in the same time it makes your muscles stronger.
2. Once you're used to it, it would help you maintain your breathing and stamina.

1. This training program might be too difficult for beginners because it requires a lot of training time.
2. This training program would give you strength and stamina, but it does not help you with your flexibility and speed.

By: Micheline

Special Training Programs For Basketball Athletes!


Weight Training

How does it work?

1. For beginners, do this exercise for one whole week for at least 20 lifts.
2. Choose a dumbbell that weighs either 20- 25 lbs.
3. Lift the dumbbell facing your face for 20-25 times.
4. When you're able to do this for a shorter amount of time, change the weights to 30-40 lbs and only for 10-15 lifts. You can also shorten how many days you should lift it.


This particular exercise, strengthens your Muscular Systems. When you lift the dumbbell facing your face, your biceps contracts and since your muscles works in pairs, your triceps would relax. And same goes the other way around. Muscles are connected to the bones by tendons. There are 2 types of muscles, Voluntary and Involuntary muscles. Voluntary muscles like your biceps and triceps move as you want them too but your involuntary muscles like your cardiac muscles (your heart and the other organ systems) keeps on moving without you having to tell them to.

1. It would strengthen your muscles and your strength in your palm and hands. Basketball players need this exercise because they need to shoot from a far distance.
2. Increase bicep strength in order to help you shoot from a further distance.

1. It would only help increase the power of the arms and not the legs.
2. If you're not strong enough to do this exercise, your biceps could be weaker instead of stronger.

By : Micheline

The Three Energy Systems

 By : Micheline

Affecting the Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

To perform an exercise, we have to provide our body with an energy source called ATP (adenosine triphosphate), we produce this energy from the circulatory and respiratory systems.

This is how it all starts: 

It all starts with external respiration, we perform respiration by inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide or also known as inspiration and expiration. The oxygen is inhaled through the trachea, larynx and bronchi and then splits into the left and right bronchus. The oxygen would travel through the bronchioles and then, to the alveolus.

Starting from the alveolus, this is now called internal respiration. Inside the alveolus, gas exchange occurs. The oxygen would diffuse into the capillary and then goes to the red blood cells. From here, the red blood cells are carried into the heart's left atrium through the pulmonary veins which then would pass the bicuspid valve. Oxygen is then pumped from the left ventricle into all the cells in our body going through the aortic valve and then into the aorta. The oxygenated blood is carried to all the parts of the body through the arteries.

After the internal respiration occurs, there is the cellular respiration where glucose (result of the digestive system) is carried into the cell. Glucose is too large to enter the mitochondria so it gets broken into two parts using 2 ATP. Finally, they enter the mitochondria along with oxygen (from respiration) which will create 36-38 ATP. This is a process of the Aerobic Respiration, which is the third energy system. The formula for aerobic respiration is : C6H12O6 + O2 + 2 ATP è CO2 + H2O + ATP energy (36-38)

There is also anaerobic respiration which occurs in the cytoplasm instead of the mitochondria. The difference between aerobic respiration and the anaerobic respiration is that anaerobic respiration produces more less energy but comes earlier then aerobic respiration, it creates lactic acid which makes muscles sore. Anaerobic respiration is also the second energy system to be used after the first one. The formula for anaerobic respiration is : C6H12O6 è2C3H6O3 + ATP energy (2) 

 By : Micheline