Sunday, April 28, 2013

Workout Plans for Olympic Swimmers

Weight Training
Olympic swimmers have powerful shoulders.Building up the shoulders is important for swimmers because it will help them to have the strength to push through the water and to increase speed. To build up their shoulders most use dumbbells Some exercises that they do dumbbell press, the dumbbell front raise, and the dumbbell lateral raise. These three exercises work the entire shoulder joint. Many swimmers lift weights to increase strength throughout the whole body. When they exercise, they need a lot of oxygen for cell respiration. Cellular respiration is important because it uses the red blood cells to transport the oxygen all over the body to all the voluntary and involuntary muscles such as the heart, lungs and skeletal muscles so that it can be used for  aerobic and anaerobic respiration. The blood is first de-oxygenated before it passes the alveoli of the lungs. Once it goes to the alveoli it then becomes oxygenated blood and has to transfer it to all of the body. The blood travels in the capillaries, which makes up our veins. When they exercise, their heart beats faster and they need a lot of oxygen so they inspire and expire a lot faster. When they exercise they mostly breath through their stomaches so they use their diaphragm muscles.


  • Weight training increases your physical work capacity, with the proper weight training activities it can make you work harder and longer and it improves the ability to perform activities for a daily living.

  • It improves bone density. One of the ways to control bone loss when you age.


  • It can injure you almost more than any other exercise and people mist often do it incorrectly and cause injury to themselves. 

  • It is hard on joints over time, and can be expensive depending on the equipment and your acess to it.

"Workout Plans for US Olympic Swimmers." LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. <>.

By: Annisha

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