Sunday, April 28, 2013

Special Training Programs For Basketball Athletes!


Defensive Training

How does it work?

1. Lay down on a mat or the floor with your lower arm touching the floor.
2. Draw in the abs.
3. Make sure that your ankles and shoulders are aligned.
4. Hold this position for at least a max of 60 seconds.
5. Look at the picture shown below.

This exercise controls your muscular system by being able to hold it still for quite a long time, it also helps you control your breathing, so it also affects the respiratory systems.
1. This exercise would increase your flexibility.
2. This exercise would strengthen the chest' muscles (diaphragm muscle). In basketball, shooting with the chest or also known as "chest pass" is important and if you have a weak chest, it would really hurt your ribs. This would also help you when you receive a ball and it hits your chest.

1. Though is help strengthen your chest' muscles, it does not really affect your other parts of the body.
2. Balancing on the mat or floor would be difficult, some can't proceed with this type of exercise.

By: Micheline

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