Sunday, April 28, 2013

Special Training Programs For Basketball Athletes!


Weight Training

How does it work?

1. For beginners, do this exercise for one whole week for at least 20 lifts.
2. Choose a dumbbell that weighs either 20- 25 lbs.
3. Lift the dumbbell facing your face for 20-25 times.
4. When you're able to do this for a shorter amount of time, change the weights to 30-40 lbs and only for 10-15 lifts. You can also shorten how many days you should lift it.


This particular exercise, strengthens your Muscular Systems. When you lift the dumbbell facing your face, your biceps contracts and since your muscles works in pairs, your triceps would relax. And same goes the other way around. Muscles are connected to the bones by tendons. There are 2 types of muscles, Voluntary and Involuntary muscles. Voluntary muscles like your biceps and triceps move as you want them too but your involuntary muscles like your cardiac muscles (your heart and the other organ systems) keeps on moving without you having to tell them to.

1. It would strengthen your muscles and your strength in your palm and hands. Basketball players need this exercise because they need to shoot from a far distance.
2. Increase bicep strength in order to help you shoot from a further distance.

1. It would only help increase the power of the arms and not the legs.
2. If you're not strong enough to do this exercise, your biceps could be weaker instead of stronger.

By : Micheline

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