Sunday, April 28, 2013

Special Nutrition Programs For Basketball Athletes!


The General Balance Diet!

- Carbohydrates :
50-60% total calories
10-20% of fruits, vegetables and "treats"
40-50% of complex carbohydrates such as pasta, bread

15-20% of fish, poultry, meats, eggs, dairy, seeds and vegetable nuts

25-30% of saturated meats, eggs, dairy products, vegetable oils and avocado

1. This type of diet stabilize the amount of energy you produce from the food you consume
2. By doing this diet, you can be healthy and fit as well as getting slimmer.

1. Eating this amount of food can be really disturbing when you actually just want to get a cup of coffee but you have to consume a whole meal.
2. If you force yourself too much, it would be unhealthy for the body

By: Micheline

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