Sunday, April 28, 2013

Special Nutrition Programs For Basketball Athletes!


The Pre-Game Meal:

A pre-game meal is three to four hours of food before the event or the competition. Mostly recommends small meals that is only 500-1000 calories. The meal should be high in starch, which is easier to break down then protein and fats. The starch should be in forms of complex carbohydrates:


 Pasta                                                  Fruits                                       Vegetables

The Post-Game Meal

After 30 minutes of exercise or in the competition, a small meal that contains carbohydrate, protein or fat is beneficial. 

1. These meals would help regain your energy before and after the exercise/ competition
2. These types of meals already measures how many calories you should intake before the competition or exercise

1. Some of the food like carbohydrates, are hard to eat/ chew on for a short period of time.
2. If you eat the Post-Game meal that contains the full-set meal, it would be hard to break down in the digestive process.

By: Micheline

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