Monday, April 29, 2013

Special Training Program for soccer



Fartlek requires the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply energy to the working muscles in order to support sustained physical activity.
When most people talk about endurance they are referring to aerobic endurance, which is often equated with cardiovascular fitness. Aerobic means "with oxygen" and during aerobic exercise the body uses oxygen to help supply the energy needed for exercise. When the inhalation of oxygen began(Inspiration), we do gas exchange with the carbon dioxide(expiration) and this occurs in the alveoli. The oxygenated blood will go through all parts of body and the deoxygenated blood will return to the heart and and get oxygen. And later the production of ATP will happen in the mitochondria and be used for this exercise with is for the muscles too and for the heart to allow soccer athletes to run faster (fartlek= speed play)
Instructions to do the fartlek training program
1.     Start with 4 cones set along a sideline about 10 yards apart
2.     The player on one of the far cones start with the ball
1.     Player 1 passes into player 2 who returns the ball back to player 1.
2.     Player 1 then passes to player 3 who returns the pass to player 2
3.     Player 2 then passes to player 4 who returns the pass to player 3
4.     Player 3 then passes back to player 4 who passes to player 2
5.     The pattern is repeated as the players move in straight line down the field
6.     Instruct the players to keep the same distance as much as possible when moving down field.
7.     When a groups reach the other side of the field have them wait until all groups have completed.
8.     Have the players repeat this pattern going to the other side of the field.
9.     Repeat 5 times to allow the players to warm-up and get into rhythm.
Do this exercise every 4 times a week to improve maximum performance on athletes playing style on the field.

This combination passing training is designed to work on combination play while advancing up the field. This will help soccer athletes focus on timing of passes, runs, combination play, and will be a great passing training. This training can be related to fartlek training because, This training in which the pace is varied from a fast sprint to slow jogging, because when we do this exercise we run to get the ball and when we get the ball we dribble slowly (that is called fartlek training: speed play). This special program improves cardiorespiratory system, because when we do this exercise walking and running strengthen your cardiovascular system, improve circulation, and increase your lung capacity. Your muscles require more oxygen while you run and your lungs will use more of their capacity to meet your body's need. Your heart and arteries will also get a workout pumping all that blood around your body. Running has also been proven to lower the risk of heart attack and decrease blood pressure. This exercise requires running and when we pass, our feet.

Benefits of this Training relating to science:
1. This exercise can improve the cardiorespiratory of soccer athletes. And if soccer athletes improve their cardio respiratory system, in a real match they can have stronger heart, if they have stronger heart their production of oxygen can be more and production of glucose and atp will increase making soccer players endurance increased and they can play longer in real match without being tired.

2. If you exercise aerobically, fartlek training can provide an effective change of pace for your routine. Fartlek training is a form of interval training that allows you to vary the length of your intervals, depending on how you feel. It is an efficient form of training that can condition you for many sports. You can run faster because oxygen is supplied more.

1. Intervals are tough on your body. If performed too often they increase the risk of overtraining. Overtraining is uncomfortable and a set back and so it's important to prevent it by allowing time for recover and growth between sessions. This can cause: occasional increase in resting heart rate, loss of strength speed, endurance, or other elements of performance, and chronic colds or respiratory infections. Fartlek training is a very tiring program because athletes need to run fast, and yet control their stability of slowing down when they need to, because or else their diaphragm muscles could cramps. If you are not properly trained, increasingly your pace then lowering it back down can create cramps. Be sure to breath in through your nose and out through you mouth. This should prevent cramps from occurring.

2.   It can be hard to monitor it is very hard to monitor improvements and progressions due to its random nature. This is why interval training is generally preferred, because for example, when it is not monitored well for athletes doing this training, then the organ systems may get hurt or soreness and the tendons for muscle will may like cause often cramps or soreness.
By: Mourezky

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