Monday, April 29, 2013

2 factors affecting the performance of soccer athletes


Society In Fartlek Exercise
Family and friends can as well become role models, provide encouragement, or be companions during physical activity. Coping with social pressure is all important in order to succeed. As well, combining work or school with soccer is not always easy and a happy medium must be found. When doing this Fartlek exercise, And also, soccer coaches can see your performance, you would be hired into a basketball team and you're able to make new friends and know your team squad. You can also receive media attention and then socially you could know more people.

Society in Nutrients exercise
When doing this nutrients training program family and friends, especially personal coaches will push us forward to do eat more healthy foods, especially carbohydrates and protein foods will guide those soccer athletes to health. When soccer athletes are with their families, they will be inspired to become a healthy person. By doing the specific nutrition program, you would get a fit and healthy body to begin with and when you join from different ranges sports club or country clubs, they would want to recruit you as a member and by then, you would have more friends, more club members and more people that knows you. This can make you more famous.

Society in Steroid healthy program
Doctors, especially personal medic coaches will guide soccer athletes to not go beyond the limit. They will have a look at the athlete dosis of steroid and see if anything goes wrong, so that it will be useful for the athlete to adjust the ability to maximize their performance when a game of soccer started. But also on the bad side, When a soccer athlete buy a drug from a certain person, that person would suggest you to buy other drugs that have a different purpose from another person and maybe that other person would give the same advice and therefore, you would be known among drug dealers and that is how you gain more friends and socially, know about what is going on in the drug dealer business. 


Ethics In Fartlek Program/training

When we do the fartlek training program it made people not stressed because
It improves our circulatory system which makes the blood more healthy and for that reason, our brain and mind was adapted by the health of our circulatory system and that is why we respect each other by doing the fartlek program.

 Ethics in Nutrition Program

The ethics of when we eat food that contains healthy things such as: carbohydrates, protein, is the meaning that we love our body and we have to think that “Health is wealth”. If we show that we are ethic to our body, then we have to eat healthy food to that our body would also ‘respect’ us and keep us healthy too. Soccer players show ethic to their body too because every soccer player wants to be healthy to that their body would be fit when they play soccer.

Ethics in Steroid program

When Soccer use steroid to maximize their playing style, they are also thinking how are steroid will affect their arteries, veins, pulmonary cava, vein cava, meaning to say is how steroid will affect the circulatory system. This is their ethic to show that using steroid when in control is safe.

By: Mourezky 8E

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