Monday, April 29, 2013

Introduction of Soccer and a little introduction about sports in science

We are now learning biology in the science subject and we are currently learning the about the different types of systems in our whole human body such as: Respiratory system, digestive system, muscular system, circulatory system, nervous system and lots more. Science can be related to many things when it comes to sport, for example, the training for each type of sports can be connected to the type of cellular respiration, diffusion in alveoli of internal respiration, or even the drugs and nutrition consumed for a healthy athlete's body as it can improve the performance of athlete. With knowing science, you can improve your performance in sport as well as not easily getting injured when training or participating a sport competition.

Soccer as an example, is a sport that provides broad-spectred health and fitness effects that are at least as pronounced as for running, and in some cases even better. Throughout the course of a 90-minute game, a typical soccer player (the goalie being the exception here) may cover 4 to 5 miles. Of course, not the entire duration of the game is spent at full throttle. You'll walk, jog, sprint and backpedal to achieve this distance. The point is, you are moving constantly.

By: Mourezky 8E

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