Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Circulatory System

The heart and circulatory system which also called the cardiovascular system make up the network that delivers blood to the body's tissues. With each heartbeat, blood is sent all over the body, carrying oxygen and nutrients to all of our cells. 
Every day, about 5 liters of blood in your body travel many times through about 60,000 miles of blood vessels, it links the cells to all of the organs systems and body parts. From the heart, to our arteries, to thin capillaries, the cardiovascular system is our body's lifeline. 
The circulatory system is composed of the heart and blood vessels, including arteries, veins, and capillaries. Our bodies actually have two circulatory systems: The pulmonary circuit is a short loop from the heart to the lungs and back again, and the systemic circuit that is the system we usually think of as our circulatory system, sends blood from the heart to all the other parts of our bodies and back again. The double circulation of blood is when the blood goes from the heart then to the lungs then back again to the heart and finally circulates all over the body.

"TeensHealth." Heart and Circulatory System. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013. <http://kidshealth.org/teen/your_body/body_basics/heart.html>.
By: Annisha

The Three Energy System

The three energy systems is very important for athletes because with out it, the athletes will not be able to perform the daily activities for the sports they join.


By Annisha

Drugs/ Horomones used by swimmers

The horomone that is used by swimmers is Human Growth Horomone (hGH)
It is likely that hGH would have little effect on swimming performance even if used for recovery enhancement. Swimming is a sport that embraces chronic overtraining and even further training could increase the occurrence of over-use injuries such as the swimmer's shoulder. It is wrong that hGH will provide benefits for competitive swimming performances.
The absence of established research in sports does not allow the description of practical symptoms indicating the use of this substance.
Given the minimal benefits and the considerable medical risks, hGH is not a drug worth considering for use in swimming if cheating is used for improvement.

  • It is good for recovery especially when the swimmer has injuries because of over-training.
  • It helps the swimming performance
  • It does not provide benefits for competitive swimming performances
  • There are considerable medical risks

 "Drugs in Sport." Drugs in Sport. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2013. <http://coachsci.sdsu.edu/csa/vol56/fourdrug.htm>.

Circulatory system Introduction

Three main structure Structure in human circulatory system:
1. Heart

he heart acts like a pump
has 4 chambers and valves that connect the chambers
They are: right atrium, left atrium, right ventricle, left ventricle


2. Lungs


3. Brain


The main function of Human circulatory (Cardio vascular system) is transporting blood, oxygen, carbon dioxide and other necessary things to and from every cell in the body.

Blood circulation( starting point ):

From the vena cava (the vena cava which is best known for the biggest vein in the heart) the deoxygenated blood travels through the first 2 chambers, which is the right atrium and then after that it will go to the right ventricle. Then it will go out from the chambers which it makes it way through the pulmonary arteries and it goes to the lungs to pick up oxygen, which then makes the blood oxygenated. Back from the lungs into the pulmonary veins, it then go to the left atrium and then to the left ventricle. Then the blood gets released through the aorta. The aorta  is the biggest artery in the circulatory system and spreads it through all parts of the whole body to provide cells and other things with new, fresh and clean blood.

By: Mourezky 8E

Muscular System

There are 3 types of muscle tissue in your body, these 3 are:

Smooth Muscle

Cardiac Muscle 

Skeletal Muscle 

Smooth Muscle:

The smooth muscles are found in our organs, and contracts to help move substances like food through your organs. Smooth muscles are controlled unconsciously, therefore they are classified as groups of involuntary muscles.

Cardiac Muscle:

The cardiac muscle are only founded in the heart. Unlike other types of muscle, cardiac muscle never gets tired. It works automatically and constantly without ever pausing to rest. Cardiac muscle contracts to squeeze blood out of your heart, and relaxes to fill your heart with blood. Cardiac muscle is classified as an involuntary muscle.

Smooth Muscle:

These set of muscles are the only one that is a voluntary muscles in our human body. It is moved consciously. Every physical action a human body does requires skeletal muscles. Skeletal Muscles contracts get shorter, and pull on tendons. Tendons  are attached to bones. Our muscles that move in our bones work in pairs. One pulls a bone one way and ithe other makes an opposite move. They are antagonistic. Antagonistic means that the muscles they work against each other. When one contracts, the other relaxes. 


A photo of locations where the smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle located.

By: Mourezky 8E

3 Types of ATP-CP program

There are 3 energy systems that your body uses as a supply for ATP. ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate, which depletes into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) when energy is used up, it then reforms back into ATP when phosphate is giving to it. 

There are 3 types of energy systems

1. ATP-CP Systems
2. Anaerobic Lactic acids system
3. Aerobic system

The ATP-CP systems is the fastest tap supplier. It does not require oxygen to occur. It also last the shortest for the energy. The ATP-CP system uses stored creatine in the body so that it becomes active. The ATP-CP process occurs in cell cytoplasm. The ATP-CP system causes muscle soreness when doing an exercise or training or match. The ATP-CP supply ATP arrives immediately after activated and last only for the first 20 seconds when doing and starting an exercise.

The Anaerobic Lactic acid energy system produces lactic acids. It is a medium ATP supplier, not many not less. The Anaerobic Lactic acid energy system also occurs in the cell cytoplasm. It also causes muscle soreness. The Anaerobic Lactic acid energy produces 2ATP per one glucose. The Anaerobic Lactic acid system does not require Oxygen to make glucose and this Anaerobic Lactic acid energy system Supply arrives after 20 seconds of exercise and last until 3 minutes.

Aerobic system last the longest for the source of exercising energy. This ATP supply arrives after 3 minutes activities and can last to hours. The aerobic system produces 36-38 ATPs per glucose molecule. It needs Oxygen to occur and it is the slowest ATP supplier.
By: Mourezky

Monday, April 29, 2013

Bibliography for soccer athletes

Online Sources

1. "High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)-What Happens." WebMD. WebMD. 29 Apr. 2013 <http://www.webmd.com/hypertension-high-blood-pressure/tc/high-blood-pressure-hypertension-what-happens>.
2. "Anabolic Steroids: Side Effects." Anabolic Steroids: Side Effects. 29 Apr. 2013 <http://www.sportsci.org/encyc/anabstereff/anabstereff.html>.
3. "Professional Football Academy." DIET & NUTRITION ::. 29 Apr. 2013 <http://pfa.leaguerepublic.com/page.do?id=5953595>.
4. "How to Strengthen Your Ankles for Soccer." LIVESTRONG.COM. 29 Apr. 2013 <http://www.livestrong.com/article/473823-how-to-strengthen-your-ankles-for-soccer/>.
5. "Anabolic Steroids and Sports: Winning at any Cost." Anabolic Steroids and Sports: Winning at any Cost. 29 Apr. 2013 <http://www.health.ny.gov/publications/1210/>.
6. "Steroid that will improve cardio vascular endurance??" Steroid that will improve cardio vascular endurance?? 29 Apr. 2013 <http://anabolicminds.com/forum/steroids/70221-steroid-will-improve.html>.
Offline sources
1. Philippa Gardom-Hulme, Pam Large, Sandra Mitchell, Chris Sherry. Science Works 3. London: Oxford, 2009.
2. Wesson, John. The Science Of Soccer. Bodmin: Cornwall, 2002
3. Goodstein, Madeline. GOAL! Science projects with soccer. London: Oxford, 2006.
By: Mourezky 8E

2 factors affecting the performance of soccer athletes


Society In Fartlek Exercise
Family and friends can as well become role models, provide encouragement, or be companions during physical activity. Coping with social pressure is all important in order to succeed. As well, combining work or school with soccer is not always easy and a happy medium must be found. When doing this Fartlek exercise, And also, soccer coaches can see your performance, you would be hired into a basketball team and you're able to make new friends and know your team squad. You can also receive media attention and then socially you could know more people.

Society in Nutrients exercise
When doing this nutrients training program family and friends, especially personal coaches will push us forward to do eat more healthy foods, especially carbohydrates and protein foods will guide those soccer athletes to health. When soccer athletes are with their families, they will be inspired to become a healthy person. By doing the specific nutrition program, you would get a fit and healthy body to begin with and when you join from different ranges sports club or country clubs, they would want to recruit you as a member and by then, you would have more friends, more club members and more people that knows you. This can make you more famous.

Society in Steroid healthy program
Doctors, especially personal medic coaches will guide soccer athletes to not go beyond the limit. They will have a look at the athlete dosis of steroid and see if anything goes wrong, so that it will be useful for the athlete to adjust the ability to maximize their performance when a game of soccer started. But also on the bad side, When a soccer athlete buy a drug from a certain person, that person would suggest you to buy other drugs that have a different purpose from another person and maybe that other person would give the same advice and therefore, you would be known among drug dealers and that is how you gain more friends and socially, know about what is going on in the drug dealer business. 


Ethics In Fartlek Program/training

When we do the fartlek training program it made people not stressed because
It improves our circulatory system which makes the blood more healthy and for that reason, our brain and mind was adapted by the health of our circulatory system and that is why we respect each other by doing the fartlek program.

 Ethics in Nutrition Program

The ethics of when we eat food that contains healthy things such as: carbohydrates, protein, is the meaning that we love our body and we have to think that “Health is wealth”. If we show that we are ethic to our body, then we have to eat healthy food to that our body would also ‘respect’ us and keep us healthy too. Soccer players show ethic to their body too because every soccer player wants to be healthy to that their body would be fit when they play soccer.

Ethics in Steroid program

When Soccer use steroid to maximize their playing style, they are also thinking how are steroid will affect their arteries, veins, pulmonary cava, vein cava, meaning to say is how steroid will affect the circulatory system. This is their ethic to show that using steroid when in control is safe.

By: Mourezky 8E

Drugs On Soccer

Use of drug/hormone program
 Steroid Program for soccer athletes

Using steroid is a way that can improve an athlete performance by the usage of drugs. There are lots of types of steroid usage that can be done by athletes to improve their performance on the field. This can be done by drinking a steroid, using it in a tablet, injection, suction it into your body and also you could inhale the steroid. Steroids used in sports are usually anabolic in nature. Ideally, as are drugs that closely resemble androgenic hormones and are synthetically derived from the male hormones called the testosterone. The widespread use of anabolic steroids among athletes is precisely to achieve strength, weight gain, speed, endurance against pain and fatigue, and aggressiveness.. Despite their prolific usage by the sports fraternity, the research literature still reveals debate on whether anabolic steroids can really enhance one’s performance or not. However, almost all athletes who have administered these substances have affirmed to the benefits caused by these. In fact many athletes have also asserted that they would not have been as successful without consuming them.

Benefits of using steroids in soccer:

-       Muscles such as voluntary muscles will be strengthened. Contraction is used to move the body, and can be finely controlled, like movements of the eye, or gross movements like the quadriceps muscle of the thigh. There are two broad types of voluntary muscle fibres, slow twitch and fast twitch. Slow twitch fibers contract for long periods of time but with little force while fast twitch fibers contract quickly and powerfully but fatigue very rapidly. If our voluntary muscles are strong, such as biceps triceps and leg muscles, the soccer players can shoot more harder and their body won’t be weak.
-       Soccer athletes will have the ability to have the habit of wanting to work out. This made athletes can improve their respiratory system more because exercising produce oxygen and we can link this to circulatory system, when more clean blood goes to all parts from the heart from the arteries and it will spread to the body it can make atp for muscles and it can make and athletes muscles not easily sore when doing a workout.
Limitations of using steroid in soccer
1. When playing soccer, steroid can make soccer players aggressive and when they are aggressive, their brains could be broken and the circulation of oxygen to the brain could be damaged. When playing on the field this makes soccer players tired easily and if they used to much steroid, they can passed out.
2. This increases the risk of heart disease. Again, dose and duration as well as choice of steroid play a huge role in the occurrence and severity of this problem. The increased weight and blood pressure caused by steroids can also increase the individual’s risk for heart disease. When the weight increases, soccer players will be unable to be more agile when playing in the fields meaning to say is that they will not be able to pass through defenders more quickly and getting the ball from your friends quickly. And also increases of blood pressure damages the wall of a soccer players arteries so oxygen from veins also could be denied at this could also cause death. The arteries became not smooth anymore. They get rough spots on them where fat and calcium start to build up. This buildup is called plaque.
Plaque is part of atherosclerosis, sometimes called "hardening of the arteries." Over time, the plaque narrows the artery and blocks blood flow through it. Atherosclerosis makes your arteries narrower. It also makes them stiffer. Blood can't flow through them as easily. This lack of good blood flow starts to damage some of the organs in your body.

     Defender Song Jong Sun tested positive for steroids 

By: Mourezky 8E